Quick Start =========== This page gives a quick introduction to the Flask-Admin library. It is assumed that the reader has some prior knowledge of the `Flask `_ framework. If you're a Django user, you might also find the :doc:`django_migration` guide helpful. Introduction ------------ The library is intended to be as flexible as possible. And the developer should not need to monkey-patch anything to achieve desired functionality. The library uses one simple, but powerful concept - administrative pieces are built as classes with view methods. For example, here is an absolutely valid administrative piece:: class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return self.render('admin/myindex.html') @expose('/test/') def test(self): return self.render('admin/test.html') If the user visits the *index* view, the *admin/myindex.html* template will be rendered. In the same way, visiting the *test* view will result in the *admin/test.html* view being rendered. So, how does this approach help in structuring an admin interface? With such building blocks, you're implementing reusable functional pieces that are highly customizable. For example, Flask-Admin provides a ready-to-use SQLAlchemy model interface. It is implemented as a class which accepts two parameters: the model class and a database session. While it exposes some class-level variables which change behavior of the interface (somewhat similar to django.contrib.admin), nothing prohibits you from inheriting from it and overriding the form creation logic, database access methods or extend existing functionality by adding more views. Initialization -------------- To start using Flask-Admin, you have to create a :class:`~flask.ext.admin.base.Admin` class instance and associate it with the Flask application instance:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.admin import Admin app = Flask(__name__) admin = Admin(app) # Add administrative views here app.run() If you start this application and navigate to `http://localhost:5000/admin/ `_, you should see an empty "Home" page with a navigation bar on top .. image:: images/quickstart/quickstart_1.png :target: ../_images/quickstart_1.png You can change the application name by passing a value for the *name* parameter to the :class:`~flask.ext.admin.base.Admin` class constructor:: admin = Admin(app, name='My App') As an alternative to passing a Flask application object to the Admin constructor, you can also call the :meth:`~flask.ext.admin.base.Admin.init_app` function, after the Admin instance has been initialized:: admin = Admin(name='My App') # Add views here admin.init_app(app) Adding views ------------ Now, lets add an administrative view. The next example will result in two items appearing in the navbar menu: *Home* and *Hello*. To do this, you need to derive from the :class:`~flask.ext.admin.base.BaseView` class:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.admin import Admin, BaseView, expose class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return self.render('index.html') app = Flask(__name__) admin = Admin(app) admin.add_view(MyView(name='Hello')) app.run() One important restriction on admin views is that each view class should have a default page-view method with a root url, '/'. The following example is correct:: class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return self.render('index.html') but, this wouldn't work:: class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/index/') def index(self): return self.render('index.html') Now, create a new *index.html* file with following content:: {% extends 'admin/master.html' %} {% block body %} Hello World from MyView! {% endblock %} and place it in a *templates* directory. To maintain a consistent look and feel, all administrative pages should extend the *admin/master.html* template. You should now see your new admin page in action on the *Hello* page .. image:: images/quickstart/quickstart_2.png :width: 640 :target: ../_images/quickstart_2.png To add another level of menu items, you can specify a value for the *category* parameter when passing admin views to the Admin instance. The category specifies the name of the top-level menu item, and all of the views that are associated with it, will be accessible from a drop-down menu. For example:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.admin import Admin, BaseView, expose class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return self.render('index.html') app = Flask(__name__) admin = Admin(app) admin.add_view(MyView(name='Hello 1', endpoint='test1', category='Test')) admin.add_view(MyView(name='Hello 2', endpoint='test2', category='Test')) admin.add_view(MyView(name='Hello 3', endpoint='test3', category='Test')) app.run() will look like .. image:: images/quickstart/quickstart_3.png :width: 640 :target: ../_images/quickstart_3.png Authentication -------------- Flask-Admin does not make any assumptions about the authentication system you might be using. So, by default, the admin interface is completely open. To control access to the admin interface, you can specify an *is_accessible* method when extending the *BaseView* class. So, for example, if you are using Flask-Login for authentication, the following will ensure that only logged-in users have access to the view in question:: class MyView(BaseView): def is_accessible(self): return login.current_user.is_authenticated() You can also implement policy-based security, conditionally allowing or disallowing access to parts of the administrative interface. If a user does not have access to a particular view, the menu item won't be visible. Generating URLs --------------- Internally, view classes work on top of Flask blueprints, so you can use *url_for* with a dot prefix to get the URL for a local view:: from flask import url_for class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self) # Get URL for the test view method url = url_for('.test') return self.render('index.html', url=url) @expose('/test/') def test(self): return self.render('test.html') If you want to generate a URL for a particular view method from outside, the following rules apply: 1. You can override the endpoint name by passing *endpoint* parameter to the view class constructor:: admin = Admin(app) admin.add_view(MyView(endpoint='testadmin')) In this case, you can generate links by concatenating the view method name with an endpoint:: url_for('testadmin.index') 2. If you don't override the endpoint name, the lower-case class name can be used for generating URLs, like in:: url_for('myview.index') 3. For model-based views the rules differ - the model class name should be used if an endpoint name is not provided. Model-based views will be explained in the next section. Model Views ----------- Model views allow you to add dedicated admin pages for each of the models in your database. Do this by creating instances of the *ModelView* class, which you can import from one of Flask-Admin's built-in ORM backends. An example is the SQLAlchemy backend, which you can use as follows:: from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView # Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy initialization here admin = Admin(app) admin.add_view(ModelView(User, db.session)) This creates an admin page for the *User* model. By default, the list view looks like .. image:: images/quickstart/quickstart_4.png :width: 640 :target: ../_images/quickstart_4.png To customize these model views, you have two options: Either you can override the public properties of the *ModelView* class, or you can override its methods. For example, if you want to disable model creation and only show certain columns in the list view, you can do something like:: from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView # Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy initialization here class MyView(ModelView): # Disable model creation can_create = False # Override displayed fields column_list = ('login', 'email') def __init__(self, session, **kwargs): # You can pass name and other parameters if you want to super(MyView, self).__init__(User, session, **kwargs) admin = Admin(app) admin.add_view(MyView(db.session)) Overriding form elements can be a bit trickier, but it is still possible. Here's an example of how to set up a form that includes a column named *status* that allows only predefined values and therefore should use a *SelectField*:: from wtforms.fields import SelectField class MyView(ModelView): form_overrides = dict(status=SelectField) form_args = dict( # Pass the choices to the `SelectField` status=dict( choices=[(0, 'waiting'), (1, 'in_progress'), (2, 'finished')] )) It is relatively easy to add support for different database backends (Mongo, etc) by inheriting from :class:`~flask.ext.admin.model.BaseModelView`. class and implementing database-related methods. Please refer to :mod:`flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla` documentation on how to customize the behavior of model-based administrative views. File Admin ---------- Flask-Admin comes with another handy battery - file admin. It gives you ability to manage files on your server (upload, delete, rename, etc). Here is simple example:: from flask.ext.admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin import os.path as op # Flask setup here admin = Admin(app) path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static') admin.add_view(FileAdmin(path, '/static/', name='Static Files')) Sample screenshot: .. image:: images/quickstart/quickstart_5.png :width: 640 :target: ../_images/quickstart_5.png You can disable uploads, disable file or directory deletion, restrict file uploads to certain types and so on. Check :mod:`flask.ext.admin.contrib.fileadmin` documentation on how to do it. Examples -------- Flask-Admin comes with few examples: - `Simple administrative interface `_ with custom administrative views - `SQLAlchemy model example `_ - `Flask-Login integration example `_ - `File management interface `_ - `Peewee model example `_ - `MongoEngine model example `_