Source code for flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin

import warnings
from datetime import datetime
import os
import os.path as op
import platform
import re
import shutil
from operator import itemgetter

from flask import flash, redirect, abort, request, send_file
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from wtforms import fields, validators

from flask_admin import form, helpers
from flask_admin._compat import urljoin, as_unicode
from flask_admin.base import BaseView, expose
from flask_admin.actions import action, ActionsMixin
from flask_admin.babel import gettext, lazy_gettext

class LocalFileStorage(object):
    def __init__(self, base_path):

            :param base_path:
                Base file storage location
        self.base_path = as_unicode(base_path)

        self.separator = os.sep

        if not self.path_exists(self.base_path):
            raise IOError('FileAdmin path "%s" does not exist or is not accessible' % self.base_path)

    def get_base_path(self):
            Return base path. Override to customize behavior (per-user
            directories, etc)
        return op.normpath(self.base_path)

    def make_dir(self, path, directory):
            Creates a directory `directory` under the `path`
        os.mkdir(op.join(path, directory))

    def get_files(self, path, directory):
            Gets a list of tuples representing the files in the `directory`
            under the `path`

            :param path:
                The path up to the directory

            :param directory:
                The directory that will have its files listed

            Each tuple represents a file and it should contain the file name,
            the relative path, a flag signifying if it is a directory, the file
            size in bytes and the time last modified in seconds since the epoch
        items = []
        for f in os.listdir(directory):
            fp = op.join(directory, f)
            rel_path = op.join(path, f)
            is_dir = self.is_dir(fp)
            size = op.getsize(fp)
            last_modified = op.getmtime(fp)
            items.append((f, rel_path, is_dir, size, last_modified))
        return items

    def delete_tree(self, directory):
            Deletes the directory `directory` and all its files and subdirectories

    def delete_file(self, file_path):
            Deletes the file located at `file_path`

    def path_exists(self, path):
            Check if `path` exists
        return op.exists(path)

    def rename_path(self, src, dst):
            Renames `src` to `dst`
        os.rename(src, dst)

    def is_dir(self, path):
            Check if `path` is a directory
        return op.isdir(path)

    def send_file(self, file_path):
            Sends the file located at `file_path` to the user
        return send_file(file_path)

    def save_file(self, path, file_data):
            Save uploaded file to the disk

            :param path:
                Path to save to
            :param file_data:
                Werkzeug `FileStorage` object

class BaseFileAdmin(BaseView, ActionsMixin):

    can_upload = True
        Is file upload allowed.

    can_download = True
        Is file download allowed.

    can_delete = True
        Is file deletion allowed.

    can_delete_dirs = True
        Is recursive directory deletion is allowed.

    can_mkdir = True
        Is directory creation allowed.

    can_rename = True
        Is file and directory renaming allowed.

    allowed_extensions = None
        List of allowed extensions for uploads, in lower case.


            class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
                allowed_extensions = ('swf', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')

    editable_extensions = tuple()
        List of editable extensions, in lower case.


            class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
                editable_extensions = ('md', 'html', 'txt')

    list_template = 'admin/file/list.html'
        File list template

    upload_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
        File upload template

    upload_modal_template = 'admin/file/modals/form.html'
        File upload template for modal dialog

    mkdir_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
        Directory creation (mkdir) template

    mkdir_modal_template = 'admin/file/modals/form.html'
        Directory creation (mkdir) template for modal dialog

    rename_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
        Rename template

    rename_modal_template = 'admin/file/modals/form.html'
        Rename template for modal dialog

    edit_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
        Edit template

    edit_modal_template = 'admin/file/modals/form.html'
        Edit template for modal dialog

    form_base_class = form.BaseForm
        Base form class. Will be used to create the upload, rename, edit, and delete form.

        Allows enabling CSRF validation and useful if you want to have custom
        constructor or override some fields.


            class MyBaseForm(Form):
                def do_something(self):

            class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
                form_base_class = MyBaseForm


    # Modals
    rename_modal = False
    """Setting this to true will display the rename view as a modal dialog."""

    upload_modal = False
    """Setting this to true will display the upload view as a modal dialog."""

    mkdir_modal = False
    """Setting this to true will display the mkdir view as a modal dialog."""

    edit_modal = False
    """Setting this to true will display the edit view as a modal dialog."""

    # List view
    possible_columns = 'name', 'rel_path', 'is_dir', 'size', 'date'
    """A list of possible columns to display."""

    column_list = 'name', 'size', 'date'
    """A list of columns to display."""

    column_sortable_list = column_list
    """A list of sortable columns."""

    default_sort_column = None
    """The default sort column."""

    default_desc = 0
    """The default desc value."""

    column_labels = dict((column, column.capitalize()) for column in column_list)
    """A dict from column names to their labels."""

    date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    """Date column display format."""

    def __init__(self, base_url=None, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None,
                 url=None, verify_path=True, menu_class_name=None,
                 menu_icon_type=None, menu_icon_value=None, storage=None):

            :param base_url:
                Base URL for the files
            :param name:
                Name of this view. If not provided, will default to the class name.
            :param category:
                View category
            :param endpoint:
                Endpoint name for the view
            :param url:
                URL for view
            :param verify_path:
                Verify if path exists. If set to `True` and path does not exist
                will raise an exception.
            :param storage:
                The storage backend that the `BaseFileAdmin` will use to operate on the files.
        self.base_url = base_url = storage


        self._on_windows = platform.system() == 'Windows'

        # Convert allowed_extensions to set for quick validation
        if (self.allowed_extensions and
                not isinstance(self.allowed_extensions, set)):
            self.allowed_extensions = set(self.allowed_extensions)

        # Convert editable_extensions to set for quick validation
        if (self.editable_extensions and
                not isinstance(self.editable_extensions, set)):
            self.editable_extensions = set(self.editable_extensions)

        super(BaseFileAdmin, self).__init__(name, category, endpoint, url,

    def is_accessible_path(self, path):
            Verify if the provided path is accessible for the current user.

            Override to customize behavior.

            :param path:
                Relative path to the root
        return True

    def get_base_path(self):
            Return base path. Override to customize behavior (per-user
            directories, etc)

    def get_base_url(self):
            Return base URL. Override to customize behavior (per-user
            directories, etc)
        return self.base_url

    def get_upload_form(self):
            Upload form class for file upload view.

            Override to implement customized behavior.
        class UploadForm(self.form_base_class):
                File upload form. Works with FileAdmin instance to check if it
                is allowed to upload file with given extension.
            upload = fields.FileField(lazy_gettext('File to upload'))

            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(UploadForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.admin = kwargs['admin']

            def validate_upload(self, field):
                if not
                    raise validators.ValidationError(gettext('File required.'))

                filename =

                if not self.admin.is_file_allowed(filename):
                    raise validators.ValidationError(gettext('Invalid file type.'))

        return UploadForm

    def get_edit_form(self):
            Create form class for file editing view.

            Override to implement customized behavior.
        class EditForm(self.form_base_class):
            content = fields.TextAreaField(lazy_gettext('Content'),

        return EditForm

    def get_name_form(self):
            Create form class for renaming and mkdir views.

            Override to implement customized behavior.
        def validate_name(self, field):
            regexp = re.compile(r'^(?!^(PRN|AUX|CLOCK\$|NUL|CON|COM\d|LPT\d|\..*)(\..+)?$)[^\x00-\x1f\\?*:\";|/]+$')
            if not regexp.match(
                raise validators.ValidationError(gettext('Invalid name'))

        class NameForm(self.form_base_class):
                Form with a filename input field.

                Validates if provided name is valid for *nix and Windows systems.
            name = fields.StringField(lazy_gettext('Name'),
            path = fields.HiddenField()

        return NameForm

    def get_delete_form(self):
            Create form class for model delete view.

            Override to implement customized behavior.
        class DeleteForm(self.form_base_class):
            path = fields.HiddenField(validators=[validators.Required()])

        return DeleteForm

    def get_action_form(self):
            Create form class for model action.

            Override to implement customized behavior.
        class ActionForm(self.form_base_class):
            action = fields.HiddenField()
            url = fields.HiddenField()
            # rowid is retrieved using getlist, for backward compatibility

        return ActionForm

    def upload_form(self):
            Instantiate file upload form and return it.

            Override to implement custom behavior.
        upload_form_class = self.get_upload_form()
        if request.form:
            # Workaround for allowing both CSRF token + FileField to be submitted
            formdata = request.form.copy()  # as request.form is immutable

            # admin=self allows the form to use self.is_file_allowed
            return upload_form_class(formdata, admin=self)
        elif request.files:
            return upload_form_class(request.files, admin=self)
            return upload_form_class(admin=self)

    def name_form(self):
            Instantiate form used in rename and mkdir then return it.

            Override to implement custom behavior.
        name_form_class = self.get_name_form()
        if request.form:
            return name_form_class(request.form)
        elif request.args:
            return name_form_class(request.args)
            return name_form_class()

    def edit_form(self):
            Instantiate file editing form and return it.

            Override to implement custom behavior.
        edit_form_class = self.get_edit_form()
        if request.form:
            return edit_form_class(request.form)
            return edit_form_class()

    def delete_form(self):
            Instantiate file delete form and return it.

            Override to implement custom behavior.
        delete_form_class = self.get_delete_form()
        if request.form:
            return delete_form_class(request.form)
            return delete_form_class()

    def action_form(self):
            Instantiate action form and return it.

            Override to implement custom behavior.
        action_form_class = self.get_action_form()
        if request.form:
            return action_form_class(request.form)
            return action_form_class()

    def is_file_allowed(self, filename):
            Verify if file can be uploaded.

            Override to customize behavior.

            :param filename:
                Source file name
        ext = op.splitext(filename)[1].lower()

        if ext.startswith('.'):
            ext = ext[1:]

        if self.allowed_extensions and ext not in self.allowed_extensions:
            return False

        return True

    def is_file_editable(self, filename):
            Determine if the file can be edited.

            Override to customize behavior.

            :param filename:
                Source file name
        ext = op.splitext(filename)[1].lower()

        if ext.startswith('.'):
            ext = ext[1:]

        if not self.editable_extensions or ext not in self.editable_extensions:
            return False

        return True

    def is_in_folder(self, base_path, directory):
            Verify that `directory` is in `base_path` folder

            :param base_path:
                Base directory path
            :param directory:
                Directory path to check
        return op.normpath(directory).startswith(base_path)

    def save_file(self, path, file_data):
            Save uploaded file to the storage

            :param path:
                Path to save to
            :param file_data:
                Werkzeug `FileStorage` object
        """, file_data)

    def validate_form(self, form):
            Validate the form on submit.

            :param form:
                Form to validate
        return helpers.validate_form_on_submit(form)

    def _get_dir_url(self, endpoint, path=None, **kwargs):
            Return prettified URL

            :param endpoint:
                Endpoint name
            :param path:
                Directory path
            :param kwargs:
                Additional arguments
        if not path:
            return self.get_url(endpoint, **kwargs)
            if self._on_windows:
                path = path.replace('\\', '/')

            kwargs['path'] = path

            return self.get_url(endpoint, **kwargs)

    def _get_file_url(self, path, **kwargs):
            Return static file url

            :param path:
                Static file path
        if self.is_file_editable(path):
            route = '.edit'
            route = '.download'

        return self.get_url(route, path=path, **kwargs)

    def _normalize_path(self, path):
            Verify and normalize path.

            If the path is not relative to the base directory, will raise a 404 exception.

            If the path does not exist, this will also raise a 404 exception.
        base_path = self.get_base_path()
        if path is None:
            directory = base_path
            path = ''
            path = op.normpath(path)
            if base_path:
                directory = self._separator.join([base_path, path])
                directory = path

            directory = op.normpath(directory)

            if not self.is_in_folder(base_path, directory):

        if not

        return base_path, directory, path

    def is_action_allowed(self, name):
        if name == 'delete' and not self.can_delete:
            return False
        elif name == 'edit' and len(self.editable_extensions) == 0:
            return False

        return True

    def on_rename(self, full_path, dir_base, filename):
            Perform some actions after a file or directory has been renamed.

            Called from rename method

            By default do nothing.

    def on_edit_file(self, full_path, path):
            Perform some actions after a file has been successfully changed.

            Called from edit method

            By default do nothing.

    def on_file_upload(self, directory, path, filename):
            Perform some actions after a file has been successfully uploaded.

            Called from upload method

            By default do nothing.

    def on_mkdir(self, parent_dir, dir_name):
            Perform some actions after a directory has successfully been created.

            Called from mkdir method

            By default do nothing.

    def before_directory_delete(self, full_path, dir_name):
            Perform some actions before a directory has successfully been deleted.

            Called from delete method

            By default do nothing.

    def before_file_delete(self, full_path, filename):
            Perform some actions before a file has successfully been deleted.

            Called from delete method

            By default do nothing.

    def on_directory_delete(self, full_path, dir_name):
            Perform some actions after a directory has successfully been deleted.

            Called from delete method

            By default do nothing.

    def on_file_delete(self, full_path, filename):
            Perform some actions after a file has successfully been deleted.

            Called from delete method

            By default do nothing.

    def is_column_visible(self, column):
        Determines if the given column is visible.
        :param column: The column to query.
        :return: Whether the column is visible.
        return column in self.column_list

    def is_column_sortable(self, column):
        Determines if the given column is sortable.
        :param column: The column to query.
        :return: Whether the column is sortable.
        return column in self.column_sortable_list

    def column_label(self, column):
        Gets the column's label.
        :param column: The column to query.
        :return: The column's label.
        return self.column_labels[column]

    def timestamp_format(self, timestamp):
        Formats the timestamp to a date format.
        :param timestamp: The timestamp to format.
        :return: A formatted date.
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(self.date_format)

    def _save_form_files(self, directory, path, form):
        filename = self._separator.join([directory, secure_filename(])

            secure_name = self._separator.join([path, secure_filename(])
            raise Exception(gettext('File "%(name)s" already exists.',
            self.on_file_upload(directory, path, filename)

    def _separator(self):

    def _get_breadcrumbs(self, path):
            Returns a list of tuples with each tuple containing the folder and
            the tree up to that folder when traversing down the `path`
        accumulator = []
        breadcrumbs = []
        for n in path.split(self._separator):
            breadcrumbs.append((n, self._separator.join(accumulator)))
        return breadcrumbs

    def index(self, path=None):
        warnings.warn('deprecated: use index_view instead.', DeprecationWarning)
        return redirect(self.get_url('.index_view', path=path))

    def index_view(self, path=None):
            Index view method

            :param path:
                Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory
        if self.can_delete:
            delete_form = self.delete_form()
            delete_form = None

        # Get path and verify if it is valid
        base_path, directory, path = self._normalize_path(path)
        if not self.is_accessible_path(path):
            flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

        # Get directory listing
        items = []

        # Parent directory
        if directory != base_path:
            parent_path = op.normpath(self._separator.join([path, '..']))
            if parent_path == '.':
                parent_path = None

            items.append(('..', parent_path, True, 0, 0))

        for item in, directory):
            file_name, rel_path, is_dir, size, last_modified = item
            if self.is_accessible_path(rel_path):

        sort_column = request.args.get('sort', None, type=str)
        sort_desc = request.args.get('desc', 0, type=int)

        if sort_column is None:
            # Sort by name
            # Sort by type
            items.sort(key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
            # Sort by modified date
            items.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], datetime.fromtimestamp(x[4])), reverse=True)
            column_index = self.possible_columns.index(sort_column)
            items.sort(key=itemgetter(column_index), reverse=sort_desc)

        # Generate breadcrumbs
        breadcrumbs = self._get_breadcrumbs(path)

        # Actions
        actions, actions_confirmation = self.get_actions_list()
        if actions:
            action_form = self.action_form()
            action_form = None

        def sort_url(column, invert=False):
            desc = None

            if invert and not sort_desc:
                desc = 1

            return self.get_url('.index_view', sort=column, desc=desc)

        return self.render(self.list_template,

    @expose('/upload/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    @expose('/upload/<path:path>', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    def upload(self, path=None):
            Upload view method

            :param path:
                Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory
        # Get path and verify if it is valid
        base_path, directory, path = self._normalize_path(path)

        if not self.can_upload:
            flash(gettext('File uploading is disabled.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view', path))

        if not self.is_accessible_path(path):
            flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

        form = self.upload_form()
        if self.validate_form(form):
                self._save_form_files(directory, path, form)
                flash(gettext('Successfully saved file: %(name)s',
                    , 'success')
                return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view', path))
            except Exception as ex:
                flash(gettext('Failed to save file: %(error)s', error=ex), 'error')

        if self.upload_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
            template = self.upload_modal_template
            template = self.upload_template

        return self.render(template, form=form,
                           header_text=gettext('Upload File'),

    def download(self, path=None):
            Download view method.

            :param path:
                File path.
        if not self.can_download:

        base_path, directory, path = self._normalize_path(path)

        # backward compatibility with base_url
        base_url = self.get_base_url()
        if base_url:
            base_url = urljoin(self.get_url('.index_view'), base_url)
            return redirect(urljoin(base_url, path))


    @expose('/mkdir/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    @expose('/mkdir/<path:path>', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    def mkdir(self, path=None):
            Directory creation view method

            :param path:
                Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory
        # Get path and verify if it is valid
        base_path, directory, path = self._normalize_path(path)

        dir_url = self._get_dir_url('.index_view', path)

        if not self.can_mkdir:
            flash(gettext('Directory creation is disabled.'), 'error')
            return redirect(dir_url)

        if not self.is_accessible_path(path):
            flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

        form = self.name_form()

        if self.validate_form(form):
                flash(gettext('Successfully created directory: %(directory)s',
                    , 'success')
                return redirect(dir_url)
            except Exception as ex:
                flash(gettext('Failed to create directory: %(error)s', error=ex), 'error')
            helpers.flash_errors(form, message='Failed to create directory: %(error)s')

        if self.mkdir_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
            template = self.mkdir_modal_template
            template = self.mkdir_template

        return self.render(template, form=form, dir_url=dir_url,
                           header_text=gettext('Create Directory'))

    def delete_file(self, file_path):
            Deletes the file located at `file_path`

    @expose('/delete/', methods=('POST',))
    def delete(self):
            Delete view method
        form = self.delete_form()

        path =
        if path:
            return_url = self._get_dir_url('.index_view', op.dirname(path))
            return_url = self.get_url('.index_view')

        if self.validate_form(form):
            # Get path and verify if it is valid
            base_path, full_path, path = self._normalize_path(path)

            if not self.can_delete:
                flash(gettext('Deletion is disabled.'), 'error')
                return redirect(return_url)

            if not self.is_accessible_path(path):
                flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
                return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

                if not self.can_delete_dirs:
                    flash(gettext('Directory deletion is disabled.'), 'error')
                    return redirect(return_url)
                    self.before_directory_delete(full_path, path)
                    self.on_directory_delete(full_path, path)
                    flash(gettext('Directory "%(path)s" was successfully deleted.', path=path), 'success')
                except Exception as ex:
                    flash(gettext('Failed to delete directory: %(error)s', error=ex), 'error')
                    self.before_file_delete(full_path, path)
                    self.on_file_delete(full_path, path)
                    flash(gettext('File "%(name)s" was successfully deleted.', name=path), 'success')
                except Exception as ex:
                    flash(gettext('Failed to delete file: %(name)s', name=ex), 'error')
            helpers.flash_errors(form, message='Failed to delete file. %(error)s')

        return redirect(return_url)

    @expose('/rename/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    def rename(self):
            Rename view method
        form = self.name_form()

        path =
        if path:
            base_path, full_path, path = self._normalize_path(path)

            return_url = self._get_dir_url('.index_view', op.dirname(path))
            return redirect(self.get_url('.index_view'))

        if not self.can_rename:
            flash(gettext('Renaming is disabled.'), 'error')
            return redirect(return_url)

        if not self.is_accessible_path(path):
            flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

        if not
            flash(gettext('Path does not exist.'), 'error')
            return redirect(return_url)

        if self.validate_form(form):
                dir_base = op.dirname(full_path)
                filename = secure_filename(
      , self._separator.join([dir_base, filename]))
                self.on_rename(full_path, dir_base, filename)
                flash(gettext('Successfully renamed "%(src)s" to "%(dst)s"',
                              dst=filename), 'success')
            except Exception as ex:
                flash(gettext('Failed to rename: %(error)s', error=ex), 'error')

            return redirect(return_url)
            helpers.flash_errors(form, message='Failed to rename: %(error)s')

        if self.rename_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
            template = self.rename_modal_template
            template = self.rename_template

        return self.render(template, form=form, path=op.dirname(path),
                           name=op.basename(path), dir_url=return_url,
                           header_text=gettext('Rename %(name)s',

    @expose('/edit/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    def edit(self):
            Edit view method
        next_url = None

        path = request.args.getlist('path')
        if not path:
            return redirect(self.get_url('.index_view'))

        if len(path) > 1:
            next_url = self.get_url('.edit', path=path[1:])

        path = path[0]

        base_path, full_path, path = self._normalize_path(path)

        if not self.is_accessible_path(path) or not self.is_file_editable(path):
            flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
            return redirect(self._get_dir_url('.index_view'))

        dir_url = self._get_dir_url('.index_view', op.dirname(path))
        next_url = next_url or dir_url

        form = self.edit_form()
        error = False

        if self.validate_form(form):
            form.process(request.form, content='')
            if form.validate():
                    with open(full_path, 'w') as f:
                except IOError:
                    flash(gettext("Error saving changes to %(name)s.", name=path), 'error')
                    error = True
                    self.on_edit_file(full_path, path)
                    flash(gettext("Changes to %(name)s saved successfully.", name=path), 'success')
                    return redirect(next_url)
            helpers.flash_errors(form, message='Failed to edit file. %(error)s')

                with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
                    content =
            except IOError:
                flash(gettext("Error reading %(name)s.", name=path), 'error')
                error = True
                flash(gettext("Unexpected error while reading from %(name)s", name=path), 'error')
                error = True
                    content = content.decode('utf8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    flash(gettext("Cannot edit %(name)s.", name=path), 'error')
                    error = True
                    flash(gettext("Unexpected error while reading from %(name)s", name=path), 'error')
                    error = True
           = content

            if error:
                return redirect(next_url)

        if self.edit_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
            template = self.edit_modal_template
            template = self.edit_template

        return self.render(template, dir_url=dir_url, path=path,
                           form=form, error=error,
                           header_text=gettext('Editing %(path)s', path=path))

    @expose('/action/', methods=('POST',))
    def action_view(self):
        return self.handle_action()

    # Actions
            lazy_gettext('Are you sure you want to delete these files?'))
    def action_delete(self, items):
        if not self.can_delete:
            flash(gettext('File deletion is disabled.'), 'error')

        for path in items:
            base_path, full_path, path = self._normalize_path(path)

            if self.is_accessible_path(path):
                    flash(gettext('File "%(name)s" was successfully deleted.', name=path), 'success')
                except Exception as ex:
                    flash(gettext('Failed to delete file: %(name)s', name=ex), 'error')

    @action('edit', lazy_gettext('Edit'))
    def action_edit(self, items):
        return redirect(self.get_url('.edit', path=items))

[docs]class FileAdmin(BaseFileAdmin): """ Simple file-management interface. :param base_path: Path to the directory which will be managed :param base_url: Optional base URL for the directory. Will be used to generate static links to the files. If not defined, a route will be created to serve uploaded files. Sample usage:: import os.path as op from flask_admin import Admin from flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin admin = Admin() path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static') admin.add_view(FileAdmin(path, '/static/', name='Static Files')) """ def __init__(self, base_path, *args, **kwargs): storage = LocalFileStorage(base_path) super(FileAdmin, self).__init__(*args, storage=storage, **kwargs)