Source code for flask_admin.contrib.sqla.view

import logging

from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc
from sqlalchemy import Column, Boolean, func, or_
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError

from flask import flash

from flask.ext.admin._compat import string_types
from flask.ext.admin.babel import gettext, ngettext, lazy_gettext
from flask.ext.admin.model import BaseModelView
from flask.ext.admin.model.form import wrap_fields_in_fieldlist
from flask.ext.admin.model.fields import ListEditableFieldList

from flask.ext.admin.actions import action
from flask.ext.admin._backwards import ObsoleteAttr

from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import form, filters, tools
from .typefmt import DEFAULT_FORMATTERS
from .tools import get_query_for_ids
from .ajax import create_ajax_loader

# Set up logger
log = logging.getLogger("flask-admin.sqla")

[docs]class ModelView(BaseModelView): """ SQLAlchemy model view Usage sample:: admin = Admin() admin.add_view(ModelView(User, db.session)) """ column_auto_select_related = ObsoleteAttr('column_auto_select_related', 'auto_select_related', True) """ Enable automatic detection of displayed foreign keys in this view and perform automatic joined loading for related models to improve query performance. Please note that detection is not recursive: if `__unicode__` method of related model uses another model to generate string representation, it will still make separate database call. """ column_select_related_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_select_related', 'list_select_related', None) """ List of parameters for SQLAlchemy `subqueryload`. Overrides `column_auto_select_related` property. For example:: class PostAdmin(ModelView): column_select_related_list = ('user', 'city') You can also use properties:: class PostAdmin(ModelView): column_select_related_list = (Post.user, Please refer to the `subqueryload` on list of possible values. """ column_display_all_relations = ObsoleteAttr('column_display_all_relations', 'list_display_all_relations', False) """ Controls if list view should display all relations, not only many-to-one. """ column_searchable_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_searchable_list', 'searchable_columns', None) """ Collection of the searchable columns. Example:: class MyModelView(ModelView): column_searchable_list = ('name', 'email') You can also pass columns:: class MyModelView(ModelView): column_searchable_list = (, The following search rules apply: - If you enter *ZZZ* in the UI search field, it will generate *ILIKE '%ZZZ%'* statement against searchable columns. - If you enter multiple words, each word will be searched separately, but only rows that contain all words will be displayed. For example, searching for 'abc def' will find all rows that contain 'abc' and 'def' in one or more columns. - If you prefix your search term with ^, it will find all rows that start with ^. So, if you entered *^ZZZ*, *ILIKE 'ZZZ%'* will be used. - If you prefix your search term with =, it will perform an exact match. For example, if you entered *=ZZZ*, the statement *ILIKE 'ZZZ'* will be used. """ column_filters = None """ Collection of the column filters. Can contain either field names or instances of :class:`flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla.filters.BaseFilter` classes. For example:: class MyModelView(BaseModelView): column_filters = ('user', 'email') or:: class MyModelView(BaseModelView): column_filters = (BooleanEqualFilter(, 'Name')) """ model_form_converter = form.AdminModelConverter """ Model form conversion class. Use this to implement custom field conversion logic. For example:: class MyModelConverter(AdminModelConverter): pass class MyAdminView(ModelView): model_form_converter = MyModelConverter """ inline_model_form_converter = form.InlineModelConverter """ Inline model conversion class. If you need some kind of post-processing for inline forms, you can customize behavior by doing something like this:: class MyInlineModelConverter(AdminModelConverter): def post_process(self, form_class, info): form_class.value = wtf.StringField('value') return form_class class MyAdminView(ModelView): inline_model_form_converter = MyInlineModelConverter """ filter_converter = filters.FilterConverter() """ Field to filter converter. Override this attribute to use non-default converter. """ fast_mass_delete = False """ If set to `False` and user deletes more than one model using built in action, all models will be read from the database and then deleted one by one giving SQLAlchemy a chance to manually cleanup any dependencies (many-to-many relationships, etc). If set to `True`, will run a `DELETE` statement which is somewhat faster, but may leave corrupted data if you forget to configure `DELETE CASCADE` for your model. """ inline_models = None """ Inline related-model editing for models with parent-child relations. Accepts enumerable with one of the following possible values: 1. Child model class:: class MyModelView(ModelView): inline_models = (Post,) 2. Child model class and additional options:: class MyModelView(ModelView): inline_models = [(Post, dict(form_columns=['title']))] 3. Django-like ``InlineFormAdmin`` class instance:: class MyInlineModelForm(InlineFormAdmin): form_columns = ('title', 'date') class MyModelView(ModelView): inline_models = (MyInlineModelForm(MyInlineModel),) You can customize the generated field name by: 1. Using the `form_name` property as a key to the options dictionary: class MyModelView(ModelView): inline_models = ((Post, dict(form_label='Hello'))) 2. Using forward relation name and `column_labels` property: class Model1(Base): pass class Model2(Base): # ... model1 = relation(Model1, backref='models') class MyModel1View(Base): inline_models = (Model2,) column_labels = {'models': 'Hello'} """ column_type_formatters = DEFAULT_FORMATTERS form_choices = None """ Map choices to form fields Example:: class MyModelView(BaseModelView): form_choices = {'my_form_field': [ ('db_value', 'display_value'), ] """ form_optional_types = (Boolean,) """ List of field types that should be optional if column is not nullable. Example:: class MyModelView(BaseModelView): form_optional_types = (Boolean, Unicode) """ def __init__(self, model, session, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, static_folder=None, menu_class_name=None, menu_icon_type=None, menu_icon_value=None): """ Constructor. :param model: Model class :param session: SQLAlchemy session :param name: View name. If not set, defaults to the model name :param category: Category name :param endpoint: Endpoint name. If not set, defaults to the model name :param url: Base URL. If not set, defaults to '/admin/' + endpoint :param menu_class_name: Optional class name for the menu item. :param menu_icon_type: Optional icon. Possible icon types: - `flask.ext.admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_GLYPH` - Bootstrap glyph icon - `flask.ext.admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE` - Image relative to Flask static directory - `flask.ext.admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE_URL` - Image with full URL :param menu_icon_value: Icon glyph name or URL, depending on `menu_icon_type` setting """ self.session = session self._search_fields = None self._search_joins = [] self._filter_joins = dict() self._sortable_joins = dict() if self.form_choices is None: self.form_choices = {} super(ModelView, self).__init__(model, name, category, endpoint, url, static_folder, menu_class_name=menu_class_name, menu_icon_type=menu_icon_type, menu_icon_value=menu_icon_value) # Primary key self._primary_key = self.scaffold_pk() if self._primary_key is None: raise Exception('Model %s does not have primary key.' % self.model.__name__) # Configuration if not self.column_select_related_list: self._auto_joins = self.scaffold_auto_joins() else: self._auto_joins = self.column_select_related_list # Internal API def _get_model_iterator(self, model=None): """ Return property iterator for the model """ if model is None: model = self.model return model._sa_class_manager.mapper.iterate_properties def _get_columns_for_field(self, field): if (not field or not hasattr(field, 'property') or not hasattr(, 'columns') or not raise Exception('Invalid field %s: does not contains any columns.' % field) return def _get_field_with_path(self, name): join_tables = [] if isinstance(name, string_types): model = self.model for attribute in name.split('.'): value = getattr(model, attribute) if (hasattr(value, 'property') and hasattr(, 'direction')): model = table = model.__table__ if self._need_join(table): join_tables.append(table) attr = value else: attr = name # determine joins if Table.column (relation object) is given if isinstance(name, InstrumentedAttribute): columns = self._get_columns_for_field(name) if len(columns) > 1: raise Exception('Can only handle one column for %s' % name) column = columns[0] if self._need_join(column.table): join_tables.append(column.table) return join_tables, attr def _need_join(self, table): return table not in self.model._sa_class_manager.mapper.tables # Scaffolding
[docs] def scaffold_pk(self): """ Return the primary key name(s) from a model If model has single primary key, will return a string and tuple otherwise """ return tools.get_primary_key(self.model)
[docs] def get_pk_value(self, model): """ Return the primary key value from a model object. If there are multiple primary keys, they're encoded into string representation. """ if isinstance(self._primary_key, tuple): return tools.iterencode(getattr(model, attr) for attr in self._primary_key) else: return tools.escape(getattr(model, self._primary_key))
[docs] def scaffold_list_columns(self): """ Return a list of columns from the model. """ columns = [] for p in self._get_model_iterator(): if hasattr(p, 'direction'): if self.column_display_all_relations or == 'MANYTOONE': columns.append(p.key) elif hasattr(p, 'columns'): if len(p.columns) > 1: filtered = tools.filter_foreign_columns(self.model.__table__, p.columns) if len(filtered) > 1: # TODO: Skip column and issue a warning raise TypeError('Can not convert multiple-column properties (%s.%s)' % (self.model, p.key)) column = filtered[0] else: column = p.columns[0] if column.foreign_keys: continue if not self.column_display_pk and column.primary_key: continue columns.append(p.key) return columns
[docs] def scaffold_sortable_columns(self): """ Return a dictionary of sortable columns. Key is column name, value is sort column/field. """ columns = dict() for p in self._get_model_iterator(): if hasattr(p, 'columns'): # Sanity check if len(p.columns) > 1: # Multi-column properties are not supported continue column = p.columns[0] # Can't sort on primary or foreign keys by default if column.foreign_keys: continue if not self.column_display_pk and column.primary_key: continue columns[p.key] = column return columns
[docs] def get_sortable_columns(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the sortable columns. Key is a model field name and value is sort column (for example - attribute). If `column_sortable_list` is set, will use it. Otherwise, will call `scaffold_sortable_columns` to get them from the model. """ self._sortable_joins = dict() if self.column_sortable_list is None: return self.scaffold_sortable_columns() else: result = dict() for c in self.column_sortable_list: if isinstance(c, tuple): join_tables, column = self._get_field_with_path(c[1]) column_name = c[0] elif isinstance(c, InstrumentedAttribute): join_tables, column = self._get_field_with_path(c) column_name = str(c) else: join_tables, column = self._get_field_with_path(c) column_name = c result[column_name] = column if join_tables: self._sortable_joins[column_name] = join_tables return result
[docs] def is_text_column_type(self, name): """ Verify if the provided column type is text-based. :returns: ``True`` for ``String``, ``Unicode``, ``Text``, ``UnicodeText``, ``varchar`` """ if name: name = name.lower() return name in ('string', 'unicode', 'text', 'unicodetext', 'varchar')
[docs] def scaffold_filters(self, name): """ Return list of enabled filters """ join_tables, attr = self._get_field_with_path(name) if attr is None: raise Exception('Failed to find field for filter: %s' % name) # Figure out filters for related column if hasattr(attr, 'property') and hasattr(, 'direction'): filters = [] for p in self._get_model_iterator( if hasattr(p, 'columns'): # TODO: Check for multiple columns column = p.columns[0] if column.foreign_keys or column.primary_key: continue visible_name = '%s / %s' % (self.get_column_name(, self.get_column_name(p.key)) type_name = type(column.type).__name__ flt = self.filter_converter.convert(type_name, column, visible_name) if flt: table = column.table if join_tables: self._filter_joins[] = join_tables elif self._need_join( self._filter_joins[] = [table] filters.extend(flt) return filters else: columns = self._get_columns_for_field(attr) if len(columns) > 1: raise Exception('Can not filter more than on one column for %s' % name) column = columns[0] if self._need_join(column.table) and name not in self.column_labels: visible_name = '%s / %s' % ( self.get_column_name(, self.get_column_name( ) else: if not isinstance(name, string_types): visible_name = self.get_column_name( else: visible_name = self.get_column_name(name) type_name = type(column.type).__name__ if join_tables: self._filter_joins[] = join_tables flt = self.filter_converter.convert( type_name, column, visible_name, options=self.column_choices.get(name), ) if flt and not join_tables and self._need_join(column.table): self._filter_joins[] = [column.table] return flt
[docs] def is_valid_filter(self, filter): """ Verify that the provided filter object is derived from the SQLAlchemy-compatible filter class. :param filter: Filter object to verify. """ return isinstance(filter, filters.BaseSQLAFilter)
def handle_filter(self, filter): column = filter.column if self._need_join(column.table): self._filter_joins[] = [column.table] return filter
[docs] def scaffold_form(self): """ Create form from the model. """ converter = self.model_form_converter(self.session, self) form_class = form.get_form(self.model, converter, base_class=self.form_base_class, only=self.form_columns, exclude=self.form_excluded_columns, field_args=self.form_args, extra_fields=self.form_extra_fields) if self.inline_models: form_class = self.scaffold_inline_form_models(form_class) return form_class
[docs] def scaffold_list_form(self, custom_fieldlist=ListEditableFieldList, validators=None): """ Create form for the `index_view` using only the columns from `self.column_editable_list`. :param validators: `form_args` dict with only validators {'name': {'validators': [required()]}} :param custom_fieldlist: A WTForm FieldList class. By default, `ListEditableFieldList`. """ converter = self.model_form_converter(self.session, self) form_class = form.get_form(self.model, converter, base_class=self.form_base_class, only=self.column_editable_list, field_args=validators) return wrap_fields_in_fieldlist(self.form_base_class, form_class, custom_fieldlist)
[docs] def scaffold_inline_form_models(self, form_class): """ Contribute inline models to the form :param form_class: Form class """ inline_converter = self.inline_model_form_converter(self.session, self, self.model_form_converter) for m in self.inline_models: form_class = inline_converter.contribute(self.model, form_class, m) return form_class
[docs] def scaffold_auto_joins(self): """ Return a list of joined tables by going through the displayed columns. """ if not self.column_auto_select_related: return [] relations = set() for p in self._get_model_iterator(): if hasattr(p, 'direction'): # Check if it is pointing to same model if p.mapper.class_ == self.model: continue if in ['MANYTOONE', 'MANYTOMANY']: relations.add(p.key) joined = [] for prop, name in self._list_columns: if prop in relations: joined.append(getattr(self.model, prop)) return joined # AJAX foreignkey support
def _create_ajax_loader(self, name, options): return create_ajax_loader(self.model, self.session, name, name, options) # Database-related API
[docs] def get_query(self): """ Return a query for the model type. If you override this method, don't forget to override `get_count_query` as well. This method can be used to set a "persistent filter" on an index_view. Example:: class MyView(ModelView): def get_query(self): return super(MyView, self).get_query().filter(User.username == current_user.username) """ return self.session.query(self.model)
[docs] def get_count_query(self): """ Return a the count query for the model type A query(self.model).count() approach produces an excessive subquery, so query(func.count('*')) should be used instead. See #45a2723 commit message for details. """ return self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(self.model)
def _order_by(self, query, joins, sort_joins, sort_field, sort_desc): """ Apply order_by to the query :param query: Query :param joins: Joins set :param sort_field: Sort field :param sort_desc: Ascending or descending """ # TODO: Preprocessing for joins # Handle joins if sort_joins: for table in sort_joins: if not in joins: query = query.outerjoin(table) joins.add( if sort_field is not None: if sort_desc: query = query.order_by(desc(sort_field)) else: query = query.order_by(sort_field) return query, joins def _get_default_order(self): order = super(ModelView, self)._get_default_order() if order is not None: field, direction = order join_tables, attr = self._get_field_with_path(field) return join_tables, attr, direction return None
[docs] def get_list(self, page, sort_column, sort_desc, search, filters, execute=True): """ Return models from the database. :param page: Page number :param sort_column: Sort column name :param sort_desc: Descending or ascending sort :param search: Search query :param execute: Execute query immediately? Default is `True` :param filters: List of filter tuples """ # Will contain names of joined tables to avoid duplicate joins joins = set() query = self.get_query() count_query = self.get_count_query() # Ignore eager-loaded relations (prevent unnecessary joins) # TODO: Separate join detection for query and count query? if hasattr(query, '_join_entities'): for entity in query._join_entities: for table in entity.tables: joins.add( # Apply search criteria if self._search_supported and search: # Apply search-related joins if self._search_joins: for table in self._search_joins: if not in joins: query = query.outerjoin(table) count_query = count_query.outerjoin(table) joins.add( # Apply terms terms = search.split(' ') for term in terms: if not term: continue stmt = tools.parse_like_term(term) filter_stmt = [c.ilike(stmt) for c in self._search_fields] query = query.filter(or_(*filter_stmt)) count_query = count_query.filter(or_(*filter_stmt)) # Apply filters if filters and self._filters: for idx, flt_name, value in filters: flt = self._filters[idx] # Figure out joins tbl = join_tables = self._filter_joins.get(tbl, []) for table in join_tables: if not in joins: query = query.join(table) count_query = count_query.join(table) joins.add( # turn into python format with .clean() and apply filter query = flt.apply(query, flt.clean(value)) count_query = flt.apply(count_query, flt.clean(value)) # Calculate number of rows count = count_query.scalar() # Auto join for j in self._auto_joins: query = query.options(joinedload(j)) # Sorting if sort_column is not None: if sort_column in self._sortable_columns: sort_field = self._sortable_columns[sort_column] sort_joins = self._sortable_joins.get(sort_column) query, joins = self._order_by(query, joins, sort_joins, sort_field, sort_desc) else: order = self._get_default_order() if order: sort_joins, sort_field, sort_desc = order query, joins = self._order_by(query, joins, sort_joins, sort_field, sort_desc) # Pagination if page is not None: query = query.offset(page * self.page_size) query = query.limit(self.page_size) # Execute if needed if execute: query = query.all() return count, query
[docs] def get_one(self, id): """ Return a single model by its id. :param id: Model id """ return self.session.query(self.model).get(tools.iterdecode(id)) # Error handler
def handle_view_exception(self, exc): if isinstance(exc, IntegrityError): flash(gettext('Integrity error. %(message)s', message=exc.message), 'error') return True return super(ModelView, self).handle_view_exception(exc) # Model handlers
[docs] def create_model(self, form): """ Create model from form. :param form: Form instance """ try: model = self.model() form.populate_obj(model) self.session.add(model) self._on_model_change(form, model, True) self.session.commit() except Exception as ex: if not self.handle_view_exception(ex): flash(gettext('Failed to create record. %(error)s', error=str(ex)), 'error') log.exception('Failed to create record.') self.session.rollback() return False else: self.after_model_change(form, model, True) return True
[docs] def update_model(self, form, model): """ Update model from form. :param form: Form instance :param model: Model instance """ try: form.populate_obj(model) self._on_model_change(form, model, False) self.session.commit() except Exception as ex: if not self.handle_view_exception(ex): flash(gettext('Failed to update record. %(error)s', error=str(ex)), 'error') log.exception('Failed to update record.') self.session.rollback() return False else: self.after_model_change(form, model, False) return True
[docs] def delete_model(self, model): """ Delete model. :param model: Model to delete """ try: self.on_model_delete(model) self.session.flush() self.session.delete(model) self.session.commit() return True except Exception as ex: if not self.handle_view_exception(ex): flash(gettext('Failed to delete record. %(error)s', error=str(ex)), 'error') log.exception('Failed to delete record.') self.session.rollback() return False # Default model actions
def is_action_allowed(self, name): # Check delete action permission if name == 'delete' and not self.can_delete: return False return super(ModelView, self).is_action_allowed(name) @action('delete', lazy_gettext('Delete'), lazy_gettext('Are you sure you want to delete selected records?')) def action_delete(self, ids): try: query = get_query_for_ids(self.get_query(), self.model, ids) if self.fast_mass_delete: count = query.delete(synchronize_session=False) else: count = 0 for m in query.all(): if self.delete_model(m): count += 1 self.session.commit() flash(ngettext('Record was successfully deleted.', '%(count)s records were successfully deleted.', count, count=count)) except Exception as ex: if not self.handle_view_exception(ex): raise flash(gettext('Failed to delete records. %(error)s', error=str(ex)), 'error')