
class FileAdmin(base_path, base_url=None, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, verify_path=True)[source]

Simple file-management interface.

  • path – Path to the directory which will be managed
  • base_url – Optional base URL for the directory. Will be used to generate static links to the files. If not defined, a route will be created to serve uploaded files.

Sample usage:

import os.path as op

from flask.ext.admin import Admin
from flask.ext.admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin

admin = Admin()

path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static')
admin.add_view(FileAdmin(path, '/static/', name='Static Files'))
can_upload = True

Is file upload allowed.

can_delete = True

Is file deletion allowed.

can_delete_dirs = True

Is recursive directory deletion is allowed.

can_mkdir = True

Is directory creation allowed.

can_rename = True

Is file and directory renaming allowed.

allowed_extensions = None

List of allowed extensions for uploads, in lower case.


class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
    allowed_extensions = ('swf', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')
editable_extensions = ()

List of editable extensions, in lower case.


class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
    editable_extensions = ('md', 'html', 'txt')
list_template = 'admin/file/list.html'

File list template

upload_template = 'admin/file/form.html'

File upload template

mkdir_template = 'admin/file/form.html'

Directory creation (mkdir) template

rename_template = 'admin/file/rename.html'

Rename template

edit_template = 'admin/file/edit.html'

Edit template

can_download = True

Is file download allowed.

delete(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete view method


Instantiate file delete form and return it.

Override to implement custom behavior.

download(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Download view method.

Parameters:path – File path.
edit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Edit view method


Instantiate file editing form and return it.

Override to implement custom behavior.

edit_template = 'admin/file/edit.html'

Edit template


Base form class. Will be used to create the upload, rename, edit, and delete form.

Allows enabling CSRF validation and useful if you want to have custom contructor or override some fields.


class MyBaseForm(Form):
    def do_something(self):

class MyAdmin(FileAdmin):
    form_base_class = MyBaseForm

alias of BaseForm


Return base path. Override to customize behavior (per-user directories, etc)


Return base URL. Override to customize behavior (per-user directories, etc)


Create form class for model delete view.

Override to implement customized behavior.


Create form class for file editing view.

Override to implement customized behavior.


Create form class for renaming and mkdir views.

Override to implement customized behavior.


Upload form class for file upload view.

Override to implement customized behavior.

index(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Index view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory

Verify if the provided path is accessible for the current user.

Override to customize behavior.

Parameters:path – Relative path to the root

Verify if file can be uploaded.

Override to customize behavior.

Parameters:filename – Source file name

Determine if the file can be edited.

Override to customize behavior.

Parameters:filename – Source file name
is_in_folder(base_path, directory)[source]

Verify that directory is in base_path folder

  • base_path – Base directory path
  • directory – Directory path to check
mkdir(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Directory creation view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory

Instantiate form used in rename and mkdir then return it.

Override to implement custom behavior.

on_directory_delete(full_path, dir_name)[source]

Perform some actions after a directory has successfully been deleted.

Called from delete method

By default do nothing.

on_edit_file(full_path, path)[source]

Perform some actions after a file has been successfully changed.

Called from edit method

By default do nothing.

on_file_delete(full_path, filename)[source]

Perform some actions after a file has successfully been deleted.

Called from delete method

By default do nothing.

on_file_upload(directory, path, filename)[source]

Perform some actions after a file has been successfully uploaded.

Called from upload method

By default do nothing.

on_mkdir(parent_dir, dir_name)[source]

Perform some actions after a directory has successfully been created.

Called from mkdir method

By default do nothing.

on_rename(full_path, dir_base, filename)[source]

Perform some actions after a file or directory has been renamed.

Called from rename method

By default do nothing.

rename(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Rename view method

save_file(path, file_data)[source]

Save uploaded file to the disk

  • path – Path to save to
  • file_data – Werkzeug FileStorage object
upload(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Upload view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory

Instantiate file upload form and return it.

Override to implement custom behavior.


Validate the form on submit.

Parameters:form – Form to validate