
Flask-Admin makes it possible for you to serve your application in more than one language. To do this, it makes use of the Flask-BabelEx package for handling translations. This package is a fork of the popular Flask-Babel package, with the following features:

  1. It is API-compatible with Flask-Babel
  2. It allows distribution of translations with Flask extensions
  3. It aims to be more configurable than Flask-Babel

Currently Flask-BabelEx is the only supported way of enabling localization support in Flask-Admin.

How to enable localization

  1. Install Flask-BabelEx:

    pip install flask-babelex
  2. Initialize Flask-BabelEx by creating instance of Babel class:

    from flask import app
    from flask_babelex import Babel
    app = Flask(__name__)
    babel = Babel(app)
  3. Create a locale selector function:

    def get_locale():
            # Put your logic here. Application can store locale in
            # user profile, cookie, session, etc.
            return 'en'
  4. Initialize Flask-Admin as usual.

You can check the babel example to see localization in action. When running this example, you can change the locale simply by adding a query parameter, like ?en=<locale name> to the URL. For example, a French version of the application should be accessible at: http://localhost:5000/admin/userview/?lang=fr.