
class FileAdmin(base_path, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Simple file-management interface.

  • base_path – Path to the directory which will be managed
  • base_url – Optional base URL for the directory. Will be used to generate static links to the files. If not defined, a route will be created to serve uploaded files.

Sample usage:

import os.path as op

from flask_admin import Admin
from flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin

admin = Admin()

path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static')
admin.add_view(FileAdmin(path, '/static/', name='Static Files'))
can_upload = True
can_delete = True
can_delete_dirs = True
can_mkdir = True
can_rename = True
allowed_extensions = None
editable_extensions = ()
list_template = 'admin/file/list.html'
upload_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
mkdir_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
rename_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
edit_template = 'admin/file/form.html'
delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete view method

download(*args, **kwargs)

Download view method.

Parameters:path – File path.
edit(*args, **kwargs)

Edit view method

index(*args, **kwargs)

Index view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory
mkdir(*args, **kwargs)

Directory creation view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory
rename(*args, **kwargs)

Rename view method

upload(*args, **kwargs)

Upload view method

Parameters:path – Optional directory path. If not provided, will use the base directory